How Far is Cuba from Florida? A Comprehensive Guide

How Far is Cuba from Florida

How Far is Cuba from Florida? Cuba is a beautiful island nation in the Caribbean Sea, just south of Florida. The two countries are separated by the Florida Straits, a narrow body of water that ranges in width from 90 to 140 miles.

Distance between Cuba and Florida

The shortest distance between Cuba and Florida is 90 miles, measured from the southernmost point of Florida (Key West) to the northernmost point of Cuba (Punta Hicacos). The distance between the two capital cities, Havana and Miami, is approximately 210 miles.

Travel time between Cuba and Florida

The travel time between Cuba and Florida depends on the mode of transportation. By ferry, the journey takes approximately 3 hours. By plane, the flight time is approximately 40 minutes.

How to travel from Cuba to Florida

There are a few different ways to travel from Cuba to Florida. The most common way is by ferry. Ferries depart from Key West, Florida, and arrive in Havana, Cuba. The journey takes approximately 3 hours.

Another way to travel from Cuba to Florida is by plane. There are a few airlines that offer direct flights from Havana to Miami. The flight time is approximately 40 minutes.

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Finally, it is also possible to travel from Cuba to Florida by private boat or yacht. However, this is a more complex and expensive option.

Additional information

  • Cuba and Florida share a rich and complex history. The two countries have been politically and culturally intertwined for centuries.
  • Cuba is a popular tourist destination for visitors from all over the world. The country is known for its beautiful beaches, colonial architecture, and vibrant culture.
  • Florida is also a popular tourist destination, known for its theme parks, beaches, and shopping.


History of Cuba and Florida

Cuba and Florida have a rich and complex history that dates back centuries. 1513 Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León became the first European to land in Florida. He claimed the land for Spain and named it after the Spanish word for “flowers,” “Pascua Florida.”

In 1519, Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto arrived in Cuba on his way to explore what is now the southeastern United States. De Soto and his men spent four years exploring the region, and they made contact with a number of Native American tribes.

In 1565, the Spanish established a permanent settlement in St. Augustine, Florida. St. Augustine is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the United States.

In 1763, Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain as part of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Seven Years’ War. Spain in 1783 regained control of Florida as part of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the American Revolutionary War.

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In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States and brought it into direct contact with Spanish Florida.

In 1810, a group of American settlers began a war of independence against Spain in Florida. The war lasted for five years and ended with the United States gaining control of Florida.

In 1828, Cuba became a Spanish colony. Cuba remained under Spanish rule until 1898 when the United States intervened in the Cuban War of Independence. The Spanish-American War lasted for less than a year and ended with the United States gaining control of Cuba.

In 1902, Cuba gained its independence from the United States. However, the United States maintained a significant degree of influence over Cuba until the Cuban Revolution in 1959.

The Cuban Revolution led to the overthrow of the Cuban government and the establishment of a communist state under the leadership of Fidel Castro. The United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba in 1962, which remains in place today.

Culture of Cuba and Florida

Cuba and Florida have a rich and diverse culture. Both cultures have been influenced by their European, African, and Native American heritage.

Cuban culture is known for its music, dance, food, and art. The Cuban music is a fusion of African, Spanish, and Caribbean influences. Their dance is also very popular, and it includes styles such as salsa, rumba, and cha-cha-chá.

Cuban food is a mix of Spanish, African, and Caribbean flavors. Their art is also very diverse, and it includes a variety of styles, including painting, sculpture, and photography.


Florida culture is also known for its music, dance, food, and art. Their music is a mix of country, rock, and pop music. Florida dance is also very popular, and it includes styles such as square dancing, line dancing, and swing dancing.

Florida food is a mix of American, Southern, and Latin American flavors. Their art is also very diverse, and it includes a variety of styles, including painting, sculpture, and photography.

Despite their differences, Cuban and Florida cultures have a lot in common. Both cultures are known for their vibrant energy and their love of life.


The distance between Cuba and Florida is relatively short, making it easy to travel between the two countries. Ferries and planes are the most common modes of transportation between Cuba and Florida.

The journey takes approximately 3 hours by ferry and 40 minutes by plane.hotel deals

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How far is Cuba from the tip of Florida?

The closest point between Cuba and Florida is 90 miles, measured from the southernmost point of Florida (Key West) to the northernmost point of Cuba (Punta Hicacos).

2. How far is a boat ride from Florida to Cuba?

The distance between Key West and Havana is approximately 210 miles, so a boat ride from Florida to Cuba would take approximately 6-8 hours.

3. What is the closest distance between Cuba and the USA?

The closest distance between Cuba and the USA is 90 miles, measured from Key West to Punta Hicacos.

4. Can I see Cuba from Key West?

On a clear day, it is possible to see Cuba from Key West. However, it is important to note that the distance between the two locations is 90 miles, so Cuba will appear as a small smudge on the horizon.

5. What Florida key is closest to Cuba?

Key West is the Florida key that is closest to Cuba. It is located approximately 90 miles from the Cuban coast.


6. Can you see Cuba off the coast of Florida?

On a clear day, it is possible to see Cuba off the coast of Florida, but it will appear as a small smudge on the horizon. The distance between Key West and Cuba is 90 miles.

7. What city in Florida is closest to Cuba?

Key West is the city in Florida that is closest to Cuba. It is located approximately 90 miles from the Cuban coast.

8. What is the closest place in Florida to Cuba?

Key West is the closest place in Florida to Cuba. It is located approximately 90 miles from the Cuban coast.

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